Alarming: 77 trans people murdered in 70 days — Equal Eyes

Alarming: 77 trans people murdered in 70 days

Transgender Europe’s (TGEU) Trans Murder Monitoring project (TMM) reveals 77 reported murders of trans and gender diverse people in 17 countries globally in the first 70 days of 2016. There have been 31 reported murders of trans and gender diverse people in January, 35 in February, and already 11 in the first ten days of March.

Brazil, with a shocking amount of 36 reported murders, spearheads the list: one trans person killed every second day. Brazil is followed by Mexico (10 murders so far), the United States (6), El Salvador (5), Argentina (4), Colombia (3), Venezuela (3), as well as countries with one trans and gender diverse person reported murder: Bangladesh, Costa Rica, France, Georgia, Honduras, India, Nepal, Russia and Turkey. The American continent, therefore, accounts for 90% of the reported homicides of trans and gender diverse persons this year so far. Read more via TvT